Nakamura Kinnosuke (中村錦之助)

Kinnosuke NAKAMURA is the professional name of kabuki actors. The family stage name was originally Harimaya before becoming Yorozuya. This professional name had been extinct for 35 years since the first Kinnosuke entered the film industry, but was revived April, 2007.

Kinnosuke YOROZUYA (1932 - 1997)

Left kabuki for the film industry and became a major star of period dramas. He later became Kinnosuke YOROZUYA.

Kinnosuke NAKAMURA (The second) (1959 - present)

The nephew of the fist Kinnosuke NAKAMURA. He was the forth son of Tokizo NAKAMURA (the forth). His real name is Shinjiro NAKAMURA.

[Original Japanese]